
cover-autumn features image

Hello Kesgravians!

Are you looking for a local hairdresser, restaurant, phone repair, any club or just trying to find out when an event you like is scheduled to start?
The latest news, current events, useful tips and all the local clubs and businesses in one place.

You can find all the information that you need to know on Kesgrave.News website.

Tell us about your event
Do you have an event that you would like to publish on this page?
Feel free to contact us and we will put your event on our page for free.

Advertise with us
Do you have a business that you would like to advertise on this page?
Feel free to contact us and we will put your advert on our page for free for a month.

Business Directory
Having trouble finding your business in the Business Directory?
Simply contact us with your business details and logo.
We ensure that your information and details will be updated and processed to the Business Directory at no cost to yourselves.

Would you like your own quiz on our page? Offer one of your products or services as a top prize and we can publish it for free.

Play our quiz on our page for the opportunity to WIN a brand new iPad!
The date of the draw is on 16th of December 2019.
Good Luck!